In the Garden

How do you grow trees in the garden?

From seed

Growing trees from seed in the garden can be as a simple as taking a seed and burying it in ground! you dont need fancy equipment to achieve this but the following are useful to have:

  • Dibber
  • Water
  • Some form of label, like a lolly stick, so you dont forget your seed!

Other than these things, you do not really need much else, just some patience!
I have found the easiest seeds to germinate outside are apple seeds in autumn. Apple seeds take about 7-10 days to germinate in slightly cooler weather, so autumn outside is a great time to give growing them a go.

equipment for growing outside

In your Home

sycamore growing indoors

How do you grow trees in your home?

From seed

You can grow seeds inside, just like you can outside. Some seeds prefer a bit of warmth, so growing them inside suits their growth better.

The euqipment you need is very smilar to growing outside - the difference is, you'll need something to grow it in.

  • Pot - this doesn't have to be big, it could be a yogurt pot, an ice cream or raspberry tub or an old jar.
  • Compost - peat free is best, or you can use a coir coco cube, where you just need to add some water to activiate it.
  • Dibber
  • Water
  • Some form of label, like a lolly stick, so you dont forget your seed!
  • A dish to put your seed pot in - this will make it easier to water.
  • Space on your windowsill so your seed can get the light it needs

Other than these things, you do not really need much else, just some patience!
The seeds I grow most often inside are lemon seeds. Lemon seeds prefer a little warmth to the cool temperatures of Britain outside, so a windowsill works well to help them germinate. I have also grown oak and horse chesnut trees inside just as well as in the soil in the garden.

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